One of the nice things about living near the coast in California is there are options to be had when the temperatures get a bit high. Highs in the 100’s in Austin, TX means you have to grin and bear it. And hope that the AC doesn’t give out.

The Pacific Coast as seen from the Bluff Top Trail
In California, if the temperature gets above 100 in one of the valleys a drive to the coast can result in a 30-40 degree level of relief. And that’s the prescription Penny and I took this past weekend when we went hiking near Gualala, CA. The Bluff Top trail’s northern terminus starts in Gualala Point Regional Park and continues down for about 3.5 miles to Walk On Beach. With some extra mileage thrown in we did more than 8 miles of hiking.

Penny looking down on one of the numerous small beaches along the trail, most of which are inaccessible.
It’s a bit of a drive, and in hindsight not one we’re likely to redo often for simple day trips. Perhaps a weekend trip to more fully explore the area might be a better option. Salt Point State Park is nearby, among others.
You can find more photos, and a map, of this outing on my Hiking Trailhead log page.